FREE Listing Request
In Specialty Gift Shopping Directory

Please fill out entire form below to either add or change a FREE link under one category in the Fundamental Expressions Specialty Gift Shopping Directory. Please note that submitting your site does not guarantee inclusion. All submissions will be reviewed for relevancy and appropriateness. You will be notified via e-mail when your listing is approved for inclusion or when your change request has been made.

Consider becoming a link partner! Special placement and a star located next to your company name are added to attract additional attention to your listing - and even a banner! All this is FREE for web sites that include a reciprocal link on their site to Fundamental Expressions Gift Baskets - go here for link information!

Your Name:
Company Name:
E-mail Address:
Main URL you want us to link to:
(start your URL with http://)

Add a new standard listing - small text link in lower portion of category listing with 200 word description (no reciprocal link required)
Add a new premier listing - same as standard listing but with an addition bold listing in upper portion of category, along with star next to company name (a text or banner reciprocal link is required)
Add a new banner listing - same as premier listing but with banner located under bold listing (a banner reciprocal link is required)
Change my current listing (fill out form completely)
Upgrade my standard listing to a premier or banner listing (fill out form completely)

Text for your link: (maximum 200 characters including spaces)

Category most appropriate for your company: (one only)

Suggest a new category for consideration:

If requesting a premier or banner listing, indicate URL where a link to Fundamental Expressions is located: (click here for text and banner link info - all links are verified - start your URL with http://)

If requesting a banner listing, indicate path to your banner graphic located on your server that we should link to: (maximum size is 468 X 60 pixels and 15K - start your URL with http://)


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Fundamental Expressions offers distinctive gift baskets
designed to deliver your expression and leave an impression.

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